WW II FM Portables

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  WS-88 (Wireless Set 88)

- the item up in the picture- was the first British VHF- portable. It was built 1947 as successor of WS-38. It was used as infantry- radio over short distances. WS-88 and the battery are carried on the belt.
The item down in the picture is the 12-V-Power supply. The 1.5V and
12 V are generated there, and it contains 2 NF Amplifyers.

Frequency range:
38.01 ... 42.15 MHz.
Ra 130 B is an adapted WS-88, used by Swedish forces.

Differences WS-88 / Ra 130 B:

  • Front and housing align.
  • Lettering Frontplate: english.
  • Connection of "Operator's headset assembly No 15" (PTT on the headset).
  • 4 channels within 38,01...42,15 MHz possible.

  • English nameplate.
  • Ra-130B 

  • Frontplate enlarged to one side, contains PTT.
  • Lettering frontplate: english or swedish.
  • Connection of "Officer's telephone, hand No 11" (has no built-in PTT).
  • Four fixed channels, 42.15 MHz,
    41.4 MHz, 40.90 MHz, 40.20 MHz.
  • English and Swedish nameplate.

    Technical data:
    4, crystal controlled.
    HF output:
    250 mW.
    2 miles.
    Power supply as manpack:
    A separate battery .
    Waterproof and to be used intropical areas..
    WS-88 and battery in separate pouches on the belt.