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is a HF NVIS- antenna. It can be erected by two men in 5, by one man in 15 minutes.

It consists of two invertet Vee dipoles, meeting at right angles at the mast top. One is a halfwave dipole for ~ 6.8 MHz, the second a halfwave dipole for ~ 10 MHz. A distance up to 500 km can be covered.

The dipoles, also used as guys, are fed by a low loss coaxial mast of eight sections. The antenna base contains a transformer from 50 Ohm (BNC) to 12.5 Ohm (mast side). (The mast base has no room in the canvas pack, but must be carried elsewhere).

The antenne works together with all tactical radios that use a 15- feet whip antenna, as e.g. PRC-47, PRC-104 or PRC-70.

There are different antenna bases for numerous radios. The antenna base here (looking like a dish) is for PRC-104.

I would like to thank KV5R very much for allowing me to translate and use his article in my German page.

Frequency range:
2 ... 30 MHz


Technical data:
horizontal and vertical
Input impedance:
runs with all radios with 15- foot whip antenna
HF capacity:
up to 1000 W PEP or average
like a horizontal dipole 10 feet high over same ground
15 feet
Area needed:
60 x 60 feet
about 7.5 kg